You can click on each paradigm to explore its details and understand what it entails. Once you leave this page you will not see the results. I recommend that you write them down in your diary.
Well, what did you think?
Write in your journal about which paradigm captured your interest.
Remember, this is not an exact science; we are providing insights based on the options you had, but understanding our perspective is inherently more complex.
For example, if I were to conduct research on the topic of wildfires, I might focus specifically on the subjectivities of those affected, particularly individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. I would need to explore both theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches to study these communities effectively. Why is this important? Because context plays a crucial role in shaping the nuances and subjectivities involved in our research. The narrative shifts significantly when considering individuals from vulnerable communities.
Therefore, I encourage you to explore alternative perspectives that could also enhance your understanding in defining the methodology and methods for your research.
Now that you have all this knowledge, write in your journal which paradigm interests you the most, from which position you are situated, and why. Remember that it is important to justify our methodological decisions.