
You can click on each paradigm to explore its details and understand what it entails. Once you leave this page you will not see the results. I recommend that you write them down in your diary.

Well, what did you think?

Write in your journal about which paradigm captured your interest.

Remember, this is not an exact science; we are providing insights based on the options you had, but understanding our perspective is inherently more complex.

For example, if I were to conduct research on the topic of wildfires, I might focus specifically on the subjectivities of those affected, particularly individuals in the LGBTQ+ community. I would need to explore both theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches to study these communities effectively. Why is this important? Because context plays a crucial role in shaping the nuances and subjectivities involved in our research. The narrative shifts significantly when considering individuals from vulnerable communities.

Therefore, I encourage you to explore alternative perspectives that could also enhance your understanding in defining the methodology and methods for your research.

Critical Race Theory focuses on how racism is embedded in legislation and social structures. It challenges the notion that racism is merely an individual problem and conceptualizes it as a structural and systemic phenomenon. This approach aligns with the critical paradigm, as it seeks to identify and dismantle racial and social inequalities. Furthermore, it employs interpretive methods to explore the lived experiences of people of color and how racism impacts their lives.

Black Crit centers on the experiences and literature of Black communities, analyzing how Black culture and identity have been shaped by oppression. This approach, which is rooted in Critical Race Theory, relates to the critical paradigm by emphasizing the importance of voice and experience for Black individuals. It also incorporates elements of the interpretive paradigm by considering the subjectivities and individual perceptions of Black identity and culture.

Lat Crit addresses the experiences of Latinx communities, analyzing how racism, classism, and xenophobia affect these communities. Similar to Black Crit, it aligns with the critical paradigm, seeking to highlight and combat inequalities and injustices. Moreover, this approach employs interpretive methodologies to understand the complex identities and experiences of Latinx individuals, emphasizing the importance of cultural context.

Tribal Crit focuses on the experiences of Indigenous peoples and how colonialism and oppression have impacted their culture and identity. This approach is closely related to the indigenous paradigm, as it values Indigenous knowledge and practices. It also aligns with the critical paradigm by questioning dominant narratives and advocating for social justice and the recognition of Indigenous rights.

Asian Crit examines the experiences of Asian communities, addressing issues such as racialization, nationalism, and identity. This approach also connects with the critical paradigm by challenging stereotypical representations and advocating for greater inclusion and recognition. Through interpretive methods, it seeks to understand the complexities of Asian identities within a racialized context.

White Feminist Theory has often focused on the experiences of white women, while Black Feminist Theory highlights how racism intersects with sexism, addressing the unique experiences of Black women. Both theories relate to the critical paradigm by questioning structures of power and oppression, promoting gender equity. They also use interpretive methods to explore the experiences and struggles of women in different racial and cultural contexts.

Disability Studies focus on the experiences of people with disabilities, questioning how social and cultural norms affect the perception and treatment of disability. This approach aligns with the critical paradigm by challenging narratives that frame people with disabilities as «deficient» and advocating for a more inclusive and positive understanding. It also relates to the interpretive paradigm by exploring the subjectivities and individual experiences of people with disabilities, highlighting the importance of their voices in research.

Now that you have all this knowledge, write in your journal which paradigm interests you the most, from which position you are situated, and why. Remember that it is important to justify our methodological decisions.

You are ready to define the methodological approach.

let’s continue.