Mara Barbra S. Nanaman

Master of Education

Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, Canada (ongoing)

Master of Arts in English Language Studies

Mindanao State University (2011)

Bachelor in Mass Communication

Silliman University (2006)

Education professional with more than 16 years of experience in various educational levels. Focused on the quality of learning processes from the perspective of the subjects as active participants in their own educational development.


  “We also need to provide them with a safe environment to make mistakes and help them understand that before they can be good at something, they first have to be willing to get it wrong.”  
MAG. Mara Barbra S. Nanaman




Thompson Rivers University, Teaching Assistant


Thompson Rivers University, Research Assistant


NationalHigh Jakarta School, Head of Secondary English Department


NationalHigh Jakarta School, Secondary English Teacher


NationalHigh Jakarta School, Debate Coach and Advisor for Speak-Up Public Speaking and Debate Club


NationalHigh Jakarta School, University App. Counselor


Pedagogical Technology with Values Educational Conference (PTVED 2022) – Resource Speaker for an
international conference (Topic: Evidence Collection on Assessment/organised by Trinity University of Asia)

Break the Fake Movement: Misinformation at the time of COVID, resource speaker (Nov. 24, 2021)
Link: Media Civics Lab: Misinformation at the Time of COVID with Mara Nanaman – YouTube

Kagan Cooperative Learning Strategies (2-day online with Certified Kagan Trainers, July 5-6, 2021)

Introductory Cambridge International A and AS Level Global Perspectives and Research (five-week online
training) February 19-March 23, 2018 (25 hours)

Briefing Session of Global Perspectives in Primary and Lower Secondary (face-to-face) – February 15, 2018 (4

First Aid and CPR Training – January 12, 2018 (9 hours conducted by Summit Health)

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